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About Us

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Personal training is an amazing opportunity for anybody thinking about starting a fitness  routine.

This service is certainly not only for the fit, young, and is definitely the best way to ensure your safety when working out - learning technique, breathing, important stances, positions of the body,hands, feet,etc...therefore makes it more than suitable for the not so fit, middle-aged to elderly, and inexperienced.

Once you have nailed the vital foundation of exercise and you have the knowledge to progress your trainer then also plays a superb role in pushing you to the limit, making your reach your goals - the reason you have initially thought about starting a regime.



This is for you - if you are keen to train with a friend, get more sessions in by saving some money.

Small group training is wonderful for motivation - you can either be supportive or competitive with one in groups are very popular nowadays.

Your trainer will be able to modify your program or exercises accordingly if your group training partner/s is not as fit/strong or is fitter/stronger than you.

There is no factor that will hold you back from achieving your aims and goals when training in a small group.


Gemeg Fitness - Megan Erasmus (owner) is highly qualified in different style classes such as: Vypa, Jagua,Tyga, Konga, Zumba, Zumba Gold, Aqua Zumba, Bokwa,Sh'bam, Pump, Circuit Training, Interval Class, Abs & Core,and Stretch. 

The dance classes are awesome to participate in if you don't really want to feel like you are exercising, even though you can burn up to 1000 calories sometimes in one full hour.

Bootcamp is a big hit - people love training outdoors especially in Townsville...we work with battling ropes, boxing gear, crates, tyres,etc...It is a great way to stay in   shape and motivated.



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